couuld keep in mind the aftermath of reading the Alchemist. I
also vehemently agree that it is a book which can change the entire views of a readers

Being a spirituality- searching novel and in some context it goes and justifying some ‘superstitious belief’, Kerala communists ‘ budhi jeevi’ and some time our Mujahid sects cannot digest the novel. That was the history of literary tolerance in Malayalam. When O V Vijayan wrote ‘Gurusagaram’ they wrote off him. Same was in the case of noted pet-thinker late M Govindan.
There had so many novels &stories in the past like ‘Alchemist’ which gone through the philosophical atmosphere. Among one was the book‘Sidhartha’ by Herman Hesse ( I remember my olden time of 1976s when going to noon show film Chitravani,Telicherry and once I happened to see the film ‘Sidhartha’ based the book of Herman Hesse .As a teenager I understood nothing then, but I tried to read Sidhartha and to know about Herman Hesse) Hesse traveled through Srilanka,Sumatra,Malaya and finally India, the epicenter of ‘sanatana philosophy’ and by assimilating it he wrote books ‘Sidhartha’,’Journey to the East’, ‘Glass Beed Game’ which deserved Nobel Prize in 1946. In Malayalam there may rarely have this type of books eg; Alkoottam, Govardhanante Yathra by Anand, and most I liked one is ‘Himavante Madithattil’ by Rajan Kakkanad even though it is mere a travel book.
When I tried to search writers resembling to Paulo Coelho I have only got at least above said Herman Hesse. While Hesse traveled through the land of Hinduism, Coelho’s land is Islam. Native place of the character, Santiyago in ‘Alchemist’ is Spain which was once glorious place of Islamic culture. Besides, his journey on the camel and some where on horse back through the centaury old African streets, desert and some tribal places of Semitic region is a touching experiences to readers also. The time in the novel is not present Arabia .It seems about hundred years back before the advancement of modern amenities.
The author narrates enlightening story about a shepherd boy’s quest and his journey to find out treasure (Nidhi). The Andalusian boy, Santiyago began his travel due to a dream sighted when he was sleeping at a dilapidated, abandoned building premises in Spain with flocks of sheep. In dream a girl appeared in the flocks of sheep and played with it and holds Santiago up and put him down near a Pyramid in Egypt…..
He approached many wise men to interpret the dream. Even in this task the innocent boy has lost his valuables including his sheep. After giving offer, he knew from a Gypsy woman and later from an old king that a valuable treasure has kept for him near the pyramid in Egypt.
Arranging money by selling his herds of sheep, he started his journey to the destination where his treasure kept. Along the way, he encounters helpful guides as well as seemingly tremendous obstacles. Once in an African street the innocent boy was robbed completely by a guide. He decided to return home, but his heart advised him go to destination. To make money to continue his journey, he worked about 4 month in a dried shop (onakka peedika) where crystal pots (sfadika bharanikal) were selling. Shop owner is an old man without any dream in his life. It is very touching to me the narration about relationship of the boy& shop owner (I remember Nettentavida Usmanikka ,a late merchant in Chokli) the business became prosperous due some technical steps of the boy. The shop owner never interested in change and even in growth. His ambition is only to go Haj(but no work for it). The boy’s aim is only to mobilize money from his coolly to continue his journey. Very fondly the shop owner gives him sent off. The boy continues his journey to find out his treasure. In the book we read:
"When a person really desires something all the universe conspires to help that person to realize his dream." Santiago is constantly tested along the way, yet he continues to listen to the murmurings of his heart, which are never wrong. Santiago learns about love along the way and helps others to face their fears as well. Coelho states, "And that's where the power of love comes in. Because when we love, we always strive to become better than we are."
I suggest the “treasure” in the story is a symbol which only can fulfill the real meaning of human life. That may be the faith in God or of divinity or ultimate truth or man’s fate. But, author never discloses any where in the book what it mean other than treasure of gold and pearls. That itself is the aesthetic beauty of the story. What you can understand from following lines from the book:
Everyone on earth has treasure that awaits him," his heart said. "We, people's hearts, seldom say much about those treasures, because people no longer want to go in search of them. We speak of them only to children. Later we simply let life proceed, in its own direction, toward its own fate. But, unfortunately, very few follow the path laid out for them - the path to their destinies, and to happiness. Most people see the world as a threatening place, and, because they do, the world turns out, indeed, to be a threatening place. So we, their hearts, speak more and more softly. We never stop speaking out. . "
Reaching your Personal Legend is never easy. Life has its challenges for every one of us, and its most difficult tests are saved for the last moments before we truly succeed.
It is really wonder when I examined the philosophies in Alchemist I could suggest that the author is too much influenced by Quranic stories and thoughts .Once when Santiago was under the custody of warring tribe leader in the desert. He told by Tribe leader a story of thousands years back: “‘Thousands years ago a young man imprisoned because of his faith in his personal dream. The man was bought by the merchants and brought to here (Egypt), Meanwhile the king of Egypt saw a dream in which seven weak cows eat seven fat cows. .The interpretation of this dream given by the young man was that country would face the famine, so King could survive it. That young man was a foreigner like you.” Here we remember the story of prophet Yusef mentined in Quran : The king of Egypt said “I d see in dream seven fat cows, whom seven lean ones devour- and seven green horse and seven others..: (Quran12-43)
Besides, It is very clear, in my opinion, that author has influenced by the thinking of Imam Gazali, renowned Islamic philosopher and author of ‘Ihya Uloomudeen’. I strongly believe the name ‘Alchemist’ itself taken from Gazali’s Arabic book “Kimya Sa-ada”(Alchemy of Happiness- its Malayalam translation is available)
In the middle of the journey the boy got in familiar with several fellows who have their own ambitions or dreams. The boy involved discourses with them all, and the author showed us the language is not a problem between them, they speak the language of heart.. An English man who was always involved in reading book was among one, his intention is to find alchemist, and the boy was helping in this regard. During the intervention with the Alchemist, boy asks Why you called as Alchemist, what is its meaning? He got reply; Alchemist is the scholar who is rare in this world who knows to turn lead (cheap metal) to gold. In the Gazali’s book (when I read it later) there we can read about this, but in spirituality perspective.
In short, I reached in the observation that Paulo had profoundly influenced by Qur-an and some soophy like thought, especially like Imam Gazaly etc. In this context, we can understand why this legendary book not discussed in our Malayalam literary critics’ fields. Every book from west and west-east usually over-talked and discussed effusively, but in the case of Alchemist we never see it…
Before writing the ‘Alchemist’, Paulo Coelho, a mere Brazilian local drama director was not known to out side world. Born in 1947, spent early ages by writing songs for a pop troupe and lived-in a hippy life style. But it was a turning point in his life when he got a chance in 1986 to travel to a famous pilgrimage place in Spain. It has told that he got a Devine inspiration from the sanctum sanctorum of that pilgrim centre. He described this experience in his former book ‘pilgrimage’ which has written very next year. His next book was ‘The Alchemist’ written in 1988 in Portuguese language.
. This tale is inspiring, and captivating. Santiago grows throughout the story and in the end, even though he was tested severely, he preserved and obtained his treasure by following his dream. We only limit ourselves - only we place limitations on us, as the universe conspires to aid us in all directions.
I am too interest to know your views on the book . Pls send your comments to my Blog
or Mail:
Following is the brief story from the book :
1 Santiago lived as shepherd in Spain and knew everything how to raise sheep and shear them. He waited to see the Merchants daughter for a year. On the way he sees a dream and wants explanation from gypsy. 1-10
2 Boy visits gypsy for explanation of his dream and comes to know that hidden treasure is waiting for him in Egypt near the pyramids. Gypsy gets assurance from him for tenth of treasure for dream explanation. He tries to ignore that but gets motivated by Melchizedek King Salem in the Plaza. He determines that he will go ahead and look for his treasure. He gives six of his sheep to King for directions. King gifts him two precious stones Urim and Thummim which will help boy when he is unable to read the omens. 11- 32
3 Boy lands in Africa and finds himself in the streets of Tangier. He realizes that Pyramids are going to take days of journey and money to cross the Sahara desert. He met with Spanish speaking boy who assured that will help him cross the Sahara and drop him till Pyramids. But he betrayed him and took all his money for the reason to by camels. By this time Santiago was looser without any money to return or survive for food. 32-37
4 Boy learns to live in those conditions and starts to work for Crystal merchant.(spadika ppatram) Crystal Merchant's business was not doing so good because it was located on the hilly street. Boy realizes that even if he works very hard for year he could not collect enough money to go to Egypt, but he had no choice. 38-45
5 Boy was selling crystals better than ever as if time had turned back to old days. Boy with his innovative ideas of making display and selling tea in crystal glasses started making lot of more money. The business grew and he have to hire two more employees. After 11 months and 9 days of arriving at Africa he takes blessings of Crystal Merchant and starts his journey for Egypt. By this time boy had learned to converse in Arabic. 46-60
6 Boy joins huge caravan which was going to cross Sahara and pass through Al Fayoum (A desert side village). Boy meets an Eglishmen in Caravan who spent most of his time with his books. While caravan was already in the desert they come to know about tribal wars. Englishman shared his knowledge he gathered in years of reading Alchemy, Elixir of life and Philosopher’s Stone. Englishman wished to see Alchemist who was available in Oasis of Al Fayoum. After reaching Oasis,Santiago helps Englishman by asking about Alchemist from a girl near the well. That how this Spanish shepherd boy meets Fatima. 61-89
7 Boy falls in love with Fatima and tells everything what happened to his life and why he is there. He wanted to marry her and do not further look for treasure. Fatima realizes that Boy is the gift of desert she is expecting from her childhood. But Boy has to wait since tribal wars can be fatal in journey to Egypt. 89-94
9 Boy visits the Alchemist to know more about his treasure. Alchemist tests the boy when he says he understands language of omens and finds life in the desert. Alchemist recommends boy to sell the camel and buy a horse to march for the pyramids. When boy says he believes he has already found the treasure. He has earned enough from crystal merchant, awarded fifty pieces of gold from oasis chieftains and he has found his love in Fatima a desert woman. Alchemist tells him how he will loose his ability to interpret omens by not obeying them. Boy decides to pursue his destiny and meets Fatima to assure his comeback. 109-118
10 Alchemist and boy begin their journey for treasure. This journey turns to be learning for the boy. He cultivates the language of omens and realizes the soul of the world. On the way they meet three armed tribesman. Three of the Arabs laughed at the explanation of the alchemist for what he was carrying and allowed them to proceed. Boy learns about alchemist’s capability to turn lead into gold, but he is not shown how it is achieved. 119-131
11 Boy heard sound danger signal and after some time they were arrested by tribesmen dressed in blue, with black rings surrounding their turbans. To protect from the situation Alchemist gives away all the earnings and gold to chief and presents boy as alchemist who can turn into wind. He took three days for boy for preparation to convert into wind. This is the time when boy feels threat of death and becomes more aware of his live. On third day he learns to speak with wind, desert and sun. With this they get released and escorted till they reach close to pyramids. 131-146
12 Alchemist and boy visit the Coptic monastery and witness some alchemy of converting lead into gold in front of Monk. Alchemist makes four part of gold and gives one part to boy for loss of his belongings at tribesmen. One to Monk and one he keeps with himself. Remaining piece is kept at Monk in case boy needs it. From here the boy is lonely goes to pyramids where he meets refugees of tribal war. These men take away his gold and leave him with lesson. 146-155
13 Here is the climax of the whole story which I wont write and let you read the book to enjoy - Epilogue 159-161
Some discourse :
The crystal merchant was silent for a few moments, and then he said, "The Prophet gave us the Quran, and left us just five obligations to satisfy during our lives. The most important is to believe only in the one true God. The others are to pray five times a day, fast during Ramadan, and be charitable to the poor". "The fifth obligation of every Muslim is a pilgrimage. We are obliged at least once in our lives, to visit the holy city of Mecca.
"It's not what enters to men's mouths," said the alchemist. "It's evil what comes out of their mouths."
I just can't differ on your views!, You almost took me through many pages of the book and made me recollect those memories of reading this great work! Thanks for doing a detailed book review!
very good.
The theme leads a person who read the novel, throughout their life. after reading that, i'm watching bad and good signs in my life automatically and hopes that things leading me to best destiny.
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